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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

making a difference.

Ok, kids, so I've been "practicum liz" for a month now, long enough to come to this uncontested realization:

Being Practicum Liz is wonderful when I can help people, and is far less than exciting when I'm sitting at a cubicle working on my project.

I came to the library an hour early tonight -- which I'm thinking is certain to become a normality for my Wednesday shifts -- because I've found that leaving campus at 10 p.m. doesn't work well for me. Nine o'clock is FAR more palatable.

Anyway, for the first hour of my practicum liz shift, I was at the reference desk answering questions for people at the library and over the phone. In an hour, I gave helpful, meaningful assistance to no less than four people, inspiring people to say things like "You have no idea how much you've helped me," and "Thank you SO much!" Things that make me feel like I've just made a difference in someone's life. Things where I know I've just alleviated someone's library anxiety. In short, the reasons I love this whole practicum hoopla.

I'm now back at a cubicle (though I've snagged a workstation that at least makes me look like staff, instead of just another student), and can feel the 2 hrs 45 mins left of my shift stretching ahead like a bad movie. Not so unpleasant that you'd scratch out your eyeballs rather than watch, but definitely not your favorite way to spend your time.


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