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Sunday, February 13, 2005

lesson #3: sometimes, you just have to go home

Last Wednesday when I arrived for my weekly nighttime shift, I had been having the worst day in a week that was generally rotten. The fact of my practicum shift was bothersome, though I knew the shift itself wouldn't hold a candle to the horror of my workweek. And, sure enough, it wasn't nearly as bad as I'd feared; I began the evening hoping to make it two hours, and in the end I held out for nearly three. Still, I had to excuse myself around 9 p.m. to go home for a little mental health break. If I knew one thing, it was that a tired / worn-out Liz would do neither the library staff (and patrons!) any good, nor the university on Thursday when I had to drag into work.

SOooo... I did get to help one patron in particular to track down full-text articles from some citations, but otherwise I found the night to be pretty slow. (And I wasn't even trying to ignore people!) And then I went home, got some sleep, and took Thursday afternoon off. It was lovely.


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